Jan 29, 2018
TO: ALL MVSM BANK LOAN CLIENTS Pursuant to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9510 otherwise known as Credit Information System Act (CISA) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), MVSM Bank is mandated to send all borrowers’ credit data (as defined in R.A. No....
Jan 29, 2018
Banks will refuse to accept checks with erasures or corrections on it – even countersigned – starting next year. The Philippine Clearing House Corp. (PCHC) has issued guidelines on the non-acceptance of checks with erasure, alteration, or deficiency in...
Jan 16, 2018
1. Know your bank Know the owners of your bank — the people behind it and the people who manage it. Find out and ask about your bank’s finances and its strengths and weaknesses. PDIC, BSP, SEC, and your bank’s websites, newspapers, magazines,...